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Showing posts from October, 2019

Chilled to the Bone, but not the Heart...

The cold weather is officially here, and I find myself ready to bundle up and cuddle... Funny thing is that I'm thankful for the ability and desire to be a loving person. Yes, I said "thankful", and yes, I said "ability". Truth be told, there was a time that I wasn't sure that I wanted to be that "loving" person. I didn't want to keep having my love taken for granted or used against me as a tool of manipulation. I didn't want to be hurt again (because that seemed to be all that my loving character brought), by anyone in any relationship, no matter what the dynamic of that relationship may be. I thought that maybe if I could just be a cold-hearted person, and keep my affections exclusively for my children and immediate family, then I could avoid being hurt by others... Ever been there? Still there? Well, let's walk together through why it isn't healthy for you to allow your heart to freeze over: Stifling emotions can actually cause y...

Set Yourself Free...

She's wild and crazy, some may say... How can she allow herself to be out in public like that, others may think... Once upon a time, I would care so much about what people say or think that I would have difficulty with just being myself. I would change my hair, the way that I dressed or even the way that I acted, just to please others. I was bound. I was bound by the fear of not pleasing others or meeting their standards. Is this you? What binds you? Self-doubt/self-pity? Inability to let go of the past? Fear of not pleasing others? Insecurities?... It's time to let it go. Be liberated! You will never be able to grow and evolve into your true self, as long as you are focusing on your flaws versus your strengths, your past rather than your present and future, and/or whether or not your life (keyword: YOUR) is lining up to be what others want it to be. Having a "people-pleaser" mindset will always set you on a path of illogical thinking and an ...