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Showing posts from October, 2018

Put Yourself In Time Out...

There's just something about koi ponds that makes me feel relaxed and have a sense of peace. Places such as this provide me with a nice little break from stressors and quiet time to calm the storm that is incessantly present in my brain... A Time Out According to Wikipedia, "Time-out is a form of behavioral modification that involves temporarily separating a person from an environment where unacceptable behavior has occurred." As adults, we get moody (ie, grumpy, snippy, attitudinal...), stressed, overwhelmed, etc. These are behaviors that are generally Un-Acceptable for/to the persons around you, especially the ones closest to you. So, today, I am going to play the virtual Mother and "sentence" you to a Time Out, Mister/Ma'am... For children, this means removing them from a pleasurable activity or environment, to give them time to "reflect" on what they have done to cause the consequence. For adults, this means to remove you from the en...

Let Me Talk... Let me talk. Let me speak. Let me say what's on my mind... So many times, we hold things in for years and it eats away at our very souls, affecting every part of our lives ... I can personally say that I'm aware that my past has not only affected my self image but every relationship that I have attempted to form... Speak. Let it out... Let go of the negativity that seeks to keep you bound. Be free... Your passionately driven ChristalNicole ...

The Power of Communication...

I am in no way a sketch artist. However, I had this vision of communication being the roots of a relationship, sprouting branches of longevity, commitment, loyalty, love, trust, etc..... So let's discuss this "thing" called communication. It is an idea, a concept, a living entity, necessary/mandatory for any type of relationship to begin, be sustained and/or end. It is birthed and either nurtured or abandoned, causing it to become either positive or negative. There are three types of communication : Verbal (Talk to/with me. Tell me what's on your mind. Don't just talk "at" me) Nonverbal (I see how you look at me or fold your arms in a negative manner or how you hold/kiss me to express your love...) Written (Text. Write a note, etc) I am so literal, and I love the definition that I found for the meaning of communication. The verbiage "exchanging of" and "means of connection" are almost poetic to my brain. Communicatio...