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Reflecting to Reflect...

The dictionary defines a reflection as "the throwing back by a body or surface of light, heat, or sound without absorbing it...." or a "serious thought or consideration"......

I have a tendency to be a "deep" thinker (hard to believe, I know) and sometimes even over-analytical (another shocker, right?). Anyway, while conversing with someone earlier this week, we began to discuss my goals and aspirations for my image consulting business. I elaborated on the details of what a complete "image" is.

By definition (Ms. Literal here), an image is "a representation of the external form of a person or thing..." I believe that the image is formed not only by what we dress the external in but what exudes from the inside.

While discussing this, I began to "reflect" on my purpose and how my actions are not just a reflection of me but also the principles, morals and standards which I claim to represent.

Ever wondered "What Reflection Of ME, Do Others See?"

Do they see the loving, kind, and generous positive aspects of what I believe in and strive to represent or does the serious, broken, and guarded wall still present within me overshadow the light?

Oftentimes, we go about our lives thinking/feeling that we are presenting ourselves in one way, only to find out from others that we are not quite reflecting what we thought. Sometimes, we are more transparent than we think, allowing more of what we were trying to hide to seep through than desired. Other times, we are so guarded that the bright light we thought was shining is much dimmer than intended.

My goal is to be a walking REFLECTION of a godly woman, exuding positiveness, strength, perseverance, love and triumph. I want this REFLECTION to be so much so that it causes others to REFLECT on the woman that they just spoke with, read about or even passed by.

What are you reflecting? How important is your reflection?

Thank you for taking the time to read my musings. I hope that I have given you something to reflect on (see what I did there?). As always, I leave you your passionately driven ChristalNicole...


  1. Hmmm this makes me wonder. Never really given a thought of how others see me. Good Read!!

    1. Thank you!
      Some people think about it more than others, depending on the different positions that a person may hold. For me, I have eyes watching at all times, young and old, for those reasons. I'm so glad that this touched you!


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