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Keep Pushing... Regardless

Perseverance is so often used more as an adjective, to describe a person's action. However, it is actually a Noun.... Stay with me. There's a method to this mad English lesson...

Reading it's meaning again, and thinking to myself that this word has been my word of the year (maybe even the past few years), I realized that it truly isn't a description of myself. It is, rather, a state of being. Despite adversities, the natural struggles of life, self-convictions, and continuous obstacles, as I persevere, I am strengthened.

My mind, spirit and heart ARE in a state of perseverance, and in those moments when I feel like giving up, I am recognizably not myself.... WE are all recognizably different, when we lose our drive and begin to lean more toward Giving up the Dream or Leaving It All Behind...

So many times, I'm sure you've heard someone tell you "Don't Give Up", "You Got This", "You're Not a Quitter" or  "Only Losers Quit". Well, let me take a moment to drop a little wisdom on you. As small or insignificant as it may seem for you to "quit" or "give up", each little action of "non-action" (yeah, I think I just kind of made that up) contributes to your life path and state of mind. In reality, you set yourself up for an incessant patterns of negativity and "non-actions".

Of course you believe every word that I write and don't necessarily need additional resources, buuuuut here's a great article from Psychology Today: The NeuroScience of Perseverance.

So, I'm that lady at work who sends the positive quotes and attempts to be an encouraging voice. I can't help it. It's just me...

Well, I was a little "off" this week. I had difficulty finding that positiveness, even after posting on that subject specifically last week! Wow, it happens so quickly... And it was noticed... Thank you

While I don't need for you to tell anyone else or broadcast it to the world. Thank you for reminding me that there is a purpose to all that I do, and that there really is someone listening...

I hope that your day is truly beautifully blessed. Until next time, I am always your passionately driven ChristalNicole...


  1. Well said! Excellent, relevant, and so true! Thank you!

  2. Well said. Thanks. I'm listening and leaning. on cruise control in the right lane. have an awesome day.


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